President Trump Sends Violent Tweet

By Ned Leebrick-Stryker

President Donald Trump retweeted an edited video of himself hitting former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with a golf ball Sunday morning.

The video was a GIF image, splicing together videos of Trump swinging his golf club and Clinton getting hit in the back by a ball and falling while she boards a plane. The actual footage used of Clinton tripping was from 2011 as she boarded a plane to Yemen, the New York Times reported.

The tweet has amassed more than 24,000 replies and 21,000 retweets and sparked online outrage.

"The President of the United States just retweeted a video vignette that imagines him assaulting his political rival," former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub said in a tweet. "This man is unfit."

A spokesperson for Clinton declined to make a comment regarding Trump's tweet, according to CNN.


  1. Ned: You want to embed the links directly into the post. Don't just put them at the end. The NY Times link should be embedded into the text that says the New York Times reported.


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