
I chose an article from the New York Times about hundreds being arrested in Moscow during a protest. The use of numbers in this article was diverse. To begin, many of the numbers used were body counts for those arrested. "200" to be exact. Not only, that, though. There were many dates thrown around, from the "1917" Bolshevik Revolution, to dates like "Nov. 5" which is Unity Day in Russia. It's interesting to me how many different ways in AP style numbers are used. There is not one standard for numbers. If it is below ten, you spell it out. If it is above ten, you use numerals. In addition, dates use numerals in all cases, as does age. Numbers can get very tricky, so it's best to consistently refer myself to the AP style guide until I feel comfortable using them. The NY times throws around a lot of numbers, which could become overwhelming. There needs to be a balance between the words you use and the numbers that you use. 


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