Trump Attacks San Juan Mayor

By Ned Leebrick-Stryker

President Donald Trump accused San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz of "poor leadership" on Saturday after she criticized the White House response to Hurricane Maria.

Cruz tearfully spoke at a press conference Friday, according to the Guardian. 

“We are dying here,” she said. “I cannot fathom the thought that the greatest nation in the world cannot figure out the logistics for a small island of 100 miles by 35 miles. So, mayday, we are in trouble.”

Trump responded the following day.

"The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump," the Trump said in a tweet. "Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."

Trump was criticized for his comments, CNN said. 

One Puerto Rican celebrity, Lin-Manuel Miranda was particularly angry.  

"You're going straight to hell, @realDonald Trump. No long lines for you," Miranda tweeted. "Someone will say, 'Right this way, sir.' They'll clear a path."


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