Bail for 'Pharma Bro' revoked after inflammatory Facebook post

By Ned Leebrick-Stryker

  "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli has had his $5 million bail revoked Wednesday after a provocative Facebook post regarding Hillary Clinton, the Washington Post reported. Shkreli, a former hedge fund manager who was convicted of defrauding inverstors, offered his Facebook followers $5,000 for a strand of Clinton's hair. Prosecutors argued that this was the latest instance of inappropriate online behavior made by Shkreli and a judge compiled with a government demand to jail him following the post according to the Associated Press.

  Shkreli's defense argued Tuesday that the post was political "satire and strained humor," though the courts disagreed, the associated press reported.
  "The fact that (Shkreli) continuous to remain unaware of the inappropriateness of his actions or words demonstrates to me that he may be creating an ongoing risk to the community," said U.S. District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto in response to retracting Shkreli's bail. 



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